7 Tips to Create Awesome Packaging for Your Products
How do you create a great first impression on your customers?
Simple, it’s by creating an exceptional unboxing experience!
Do you know where it starts?
It starts with your product’s box.
Therefore, take extra care when designing your product’s packing. Following, we are going to give you 7 tips to help you design stunning boxes for your products.
1. Be Patient
Don’t rush your design, you don’t want to disappoint your customers with dull packaging. Instead, take the time to define the look and feel of your custom eyeliner boxes. Come up with a basic design-line before moving on with the prototype. Give yourself enough time for the designing process.
2. Try Minimalism
Minimalism often make elegant designs. You don’t need to be loud to stand out from the crowd. Some successful designs have low key elements. If you want to get your point across, avoid exotic design elements. They will do more harm than good. Just try to keep the graphics and other elements to a minimum. Wit

h that said, we don’t mean your design should be bleak. Elegant means simple, not boring.
3. Keep a Balance
When designing your packing, you should use the right mix of colors, text, and pictures. If you are not sure about your work, get a second opinion. Feedback from someone you trust can help you improve on the original work. So, don’t be afraid to ask for help. It can save your skin.
4. Mind the Size
When it comes to product packaging, size does matter! Always mind the product when designing your packaging, especially if you are designing Custom Eyeliner Packaging. If you have a small product, then you better use a tight box, but don’t make it too small. As a rule of thumb, you should leave 1/16” space in every dimension.
5. Paper Thickness
Paper Thickness also counts. Use a paper stiff enough to hold your product. This will make sure the product will come out of it unscathed after being stacked, shipped, and handled. Thin and filmsy material won’t protect your product. It also gives a bad impression to your buyer.
So, it’s important you invest in thick and high quality paper. It shows the buyer that you care about them.
6. Packing a Fragile Product
If your product is fragile, then it needs special treatment. Packing fillers help to ensure nothing will be damaged during transit. Use thick, and rigid cardboard for fragile products. It will make sure your product won’t be damaged even if the delivery guy is careless.
7. Product Weight
Weight is important when it comes to packing. Even though most boxes are made for brand exposure and protecting your product during delivery, some of them are not ideal for heavy products. Therefore, if you have heavy products, then you better design a proper mailer box and test whether it can handle a given weight or not.
This is a time consuming process but it will pay off the long run. If you are still worried about the product,then feel free to contact us f.
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